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LokSound Select Decoders – Modifying the Sound Effects


The LokSound Select Decoder allows you to “Select” the sounds of the Prime Mover, Horns and Bells.

You can select from possibly up to 4 prime mover sounds, 16 horns and 2 bells if stored in the flash memory on your decoder

Your selection of sounds are stored in CV 48. To calculate the value for CV 48, just follow the instructions below.


Here is an example of what a particular LokSound Select decoder may offer:

Diesel Decoders

Prime Mover:
CV48=0 EMD 16cyl 567C with Normal Transition
CV48=16 EMD 16cyl 567C with Manual Transition

CV48=0 Nathan Single Chime
CV48=1 Nathan K3L
CV48=2 Nathan M5
CV48=3 Nathan P3
CV48=4 Nathan Old Cast P5
CV48=5 Nathan K3HA
CV48=6 Leslie RS3L
CV48=7 Leslie S3L #1
CV48=8 Leslie A125
CV48=9 Leslie A200
CV48=10 Leslie RS3K
CV48=11 Hancock Air Whistle
CV48=12 Wabco E2
CV48=13 Nathan M3H
CV48=14 Leslie S2M
CV48=15 Leslie Dual A125-A200

CV48=0 Steel Bell
CV48=64 Bronze Bell

NOTE: Go to the ESU website, find LokSound Select Retail Sound Files for the CV48 options in your SELECT sound decoder 

In order to calculate the complete value you need to store in CV 48, please follow this procedure:

1. Write down the value shown for your desired prime mover sound.

2. Write down the value shown for your desired horn.

3. Write down the value shown for your desired bell selection

4. Add all 3 values together and write the sum into CV 48. See below.

6. Power cycle (disable/reapply power) of your LokSound Select decoder to enable your new selection of sounds.


You would like to use the prime mover EMD 16cyl 567C with Manual Transition, the Nathan Old Cast P5 horn and Bronze Bell.

So you need to write 16 + 4 + 64 = 84 into CV 48

or maybe the prime mover EMD 16cyl 567C with Normal Transition, the Leslie S2M horn and Steel Bell

So you need to write 0 + 14 + 0 = 14 into CV 48.


DCC Solutions programs the LokSound Select Decoders with the Bell Function turned off as default for Australian Locomotives.

NCE PowerCab_Function Buttons.jpg

How to change the value of CV48 using your NCE Power Cab Throttle.

1. Press the PROG/ESC button four times to display USE PROGRAM TRACK.

2. Press ENTER to use the programming track.

3. The screen will display 1=STD 2=CV 3=REG

4. Press 2 to use CV

5.The screen will display PROG CV NUM: _

6. Enter 48 and press ENTER

7. The screen will display PROG CV.....CV NUM 048 = XXX

8. Enter your new value calculated from the table above.

9. Press ENTER.

10. The screen will display PROG CV NUM: _

11. Press the PROG/ESC to exit.

Pressing PROG/ESC before or during any number entry will completely exit you from programming and return you to the normal display screen.

If you get a CAN NOT READ CV message then the decoder is not responding. Check the locomotive is correctly placed on the track and the programming track wiring. Try disabling the power to the locomotive then reapply.

You can also PROGRAM ON THE MAIN to change the value.

1. Press the PROG/ESC button once to display PROGRAM ON MAIN

2. Press ENTER

3. Enter the locomotive running number and press ENTER

4. The screen will display 1=ADR 2=CV 3=CFG

5. Press 2 to use CV

6.The screen will display PROG CV NUM: _

7. Enter 48 and press ENTER

8. The screen will display PROG CV.....CV NUM 048 = XXX

9. Enter your new value calculated from the table above.

10. Press ENTER.

11. The screen will display PROG CV NUM: _

12. Press the PROG/ESC to exit.

LokSound V4.0 Decoders – Modifying the Sound Effects

The LokSound V4.0 Decoders are programmed with custom sound file by DCC Solutions and generally do not offer options to modify or select sounds.

However, with some sound files, there is the option of selecting a different Air Horn and brake sounds.. Your Additional Installation Information Sheet provided with your installation will advise if your sound file has this option.

To modify the sounds in CV48, follow the procedure described above with the valves provided on your Additional Installation Information Sheet.

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